There is a stillness of the soul that the mind is not used to and does not acknowledge. It is always on the lookout for new challenges and troubles it may encounter, so much so that it forgets to very much live in the present.
This turbulence of the mind is many times of our own making. We do not either trust our maker or deceive ourselves by saying that we trust in Him, but in reality, we don’t. As humans, we like to be in control of every moment of our lives and when we deny this fact, we lie and deny ourselves. It is in the very nature of humanity to doubt itself and others constantly. Our mistrust of ourselves perpetuates even to our maker that even when He wishes to help us, He is unable to do so. It is because we believe that we do not deserve that help and even when we do believe, we just want it to happen our way. This creates a constant power struggle between the Lord and our own self – His grace trying to reach out to us while we turn it away more often than we realize – we end up losing track of where we are going and often end up lost.
In the end, our mind is so traumatised from all the constant thinking it has to do in figuring out a way to get out of the mess, that we do not understand what brought us into this mess in the first place.
It is us. It is always us.
Luckily, or should I say, by the grace of our Lord, we have a way out of this. Its Christ’s way of life. He put so much trust in the Father, that we sometimes wonder if there was ever a time He was truly in need of counsel. Was he ever in trouble? Was he ever ruffled?
He was, more than we could think of. But in every situation, he applied His trust in the Father, to overcome the weaknesses of His own flesh. You see, He had to fight in three areas- the spirit, the soul and the body, just like we do. After all, He was fully a man, as He was the Lord Himself.
“O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” Romans 7:24
Who indeed!?
“I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord” Romans 7:25
He is the only answer for this messed up situation. The mind wants to be free of thoughts, of thoughts that cause unrest in the soul. But it cannot. It only can, when the cross of Christ is applied to the mind and our mind becomes the mind of Christ Himself.
“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but MIGHTY through God to the pulling down of
strongholds” 2 Corinthians 10:4
Our very minds are the battleground of an almighty struggle between life and death, that is not always apparent to the mortal world, but is to one’s own self. In the secret of your heart, you wage a war that makes heaven proud. Maybe you aren’t aware, but heaven and all the saints of God are watching over you and praying for you night and day, every day. This is the strength we need to win this battle and we are already on the winning side through Christ the Lord. When we apply the blood of Christ on the doorposts of our hearts and minds – signifying the death and victory of our Lord Jesus Christ – it is only a matter of time that that the enemy who so desperately tries to enter our minds, is defeated once again.