The dream realm is a link, a kind of buffer zone between the spiritual and the natural world. By natural, I mean the physical material world. ‘Natural’ here being the relative term.
The collision between the two worlds occurs only in the dream realm. Our dream therefore, function literally as a gateway into a higher or lower reality denoting the respective dimensions. The rules at play here are beyond what our rational minds can comprehend.
We must also understand that The Creator has wisely placed barriers between the different worlds – barriers that serve a purpose.
From our rudimentary level of understanding, we can surmise that if there are barriers, then there probably are gates along the barriers. If then there are gates, then there must also be guards or locks to secure them at all times.
Any person who sleeps, enters into the dream realm without any effort on their part. It is the access beyond this point, however, that is complicated. This is because what lies ahead is the spiritual dimension. The only way a person can deliberately access that dimension is by tampering with the locks that have been put in place.
This kind of access always comes at a cost – something has to be paid by the individual who seeks to enter the spiritual world.
There are many who attempt to tamper with the locks to enter the ‘unknown’. The morbid lure of the forbidden has always entrapped many since mankind’s deception and subsequent fall in the garden of Eden. Being deceived out of curiosity of the unknown or even as a result of entering the unknown is nothing new. The decision to sin and to fall is wholly an individual’s personal decision. Neither deity nor the devil can stop it.
Man has been unwilling to deal with the problem of deception since his fall, but has for ages put it away to be dealt with later. Had we perhaps been willing to walk on the path of our redemption, so many of the darkest chapters of human history could have been prevented, needless to say completely everted; genocides and annilhilations of entire populations stopped and millions saved.
Thankfully, we do have a guide and guardian in our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ who has already paid the ultimate cost, through whom we now have safe access to the spiritual realm, and beyond.
But what if the veil between the worlds never existed? That, would be an unending nightmare!